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Consider this list a starting point for discussion; we can customize many of our supports and offer a wide range of supports that are not included in this list. If you would like to meet with us - we can arrange a Zoom, Teams, or in person meeting.


Give us a call today! 306-575-8330

Public Park

CED Plans

The motherload of all of our services! We start with a strategic planning session and a quality-of-life survey of residents to determine what is important to them. We use the results from the planning session and the quality-of-life survey to draft a list of recommendations and an implementation plan. Once the recommendations are set, we work with the Administration and Council to help you implement them. This service is ongoing, usually over the course of one year, with the opportunity to continue working together for as long as you'd like. Other benefits of this plan include free access to our webinars, grant writing, community engagement, facilitation, and more! Contact us to discuss how this plan could work for your community!

Flow Chart

Strategic Planning

We start with a strategic planning session, then facilitate a quality-of-life survey of residents to determine what is important to them. We do everything from marketing to analyzing the results. We use the results from the planning session and the quality-of-life survey to draft a list of recommendations and an implementation plan. Depending on the extent of work you are interested in, we also assist with implementation.

Flexible Payment Planning

Wage Matrix

We review and/or develop job descriptions to create a basis of comparison that includes minimum requirements, education, and preferred training. We develop a wage matrix chart based on a comparative analysis between like sized municipalities within Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Manitoba that results in wage ranges for each relevant job description. We develop a document that outlines possible milestones that could or should results in a movement up the pay scale. We develop a rubric that supports a reasonable starting wage for new hires based on experience, education, and training. We draft a policy that supports implementation.


Council Training

Our Council Training can be customized to suit your Council's needs. Our general Council training includes discussion of: Roles and Responsibilities of Council Roles and Responsibilities of Administrators Roles of the Ombudsman Legislation Agendas Board Packages Confidentiality In-Camera Sessions Bylaws Duty of Loyalty Essential Policies Community Engagement We are available for in-person or virtual training, and on evenings/weekends upon request. If you are interested in a Council training quote - please email Anna @

Construction site visitor

Project Management

We support communities taking on large projects and help them through the process from applying for funding to procuring engineering, project oversite, progress reports and whatever other supports are needed to make sure your project runs as smoothly as possible.

Tractors Parked in the Crop Field

Asset Management

We help communities to meet their legislated requirements. From the funding process (where available) to facilitating the plan, we work with communities to get your asset management plans up to date.


Code of Ethics Investigations

For an annual fee, your municipality gains unlimited access to professional, third-party investigations, ensuring that every complaint is handled impartially. This model protects your municipality from ethical risks and frees up valuable time for Administration and Council, allowing them to focus on their core responsibilities. Each ethics complaint is treated with the utmost diligence and professionalism.

Law Books

Policy Development

We start by reviewing your existing policies to ensure compliance with the legislation. We eliminate all items that no longer work under the legislation, draft important policies that you may not have (but are important to have), and format the policies into your own manual.

Why Work With Matthewson & Co. ?

We understand small populations. We developed our services specifically for small communities. 


There are many wonderful supports available, and we are happy to direct you to them! We use these resources ourselves. Sometimes, there is just not enough time in the day to seek them all out. We can help. 


We are affordable, accessible, and willing to work closely with you to help you as needed, without any long-term commitment. Our goal is to build sustainability, not dependency on our services. 


We are used to working within the parameters of a small population with limited budgets and conflicting goals.  We have experience working with non-profit boards and with small businesses. Need something and cannot find it? Let us source it for you.


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